Monday, July 29, 2013

New Beginnings

My baby is now a toddler and I'm starting to scope out the scene for getting my fingers back into the mud of teaching. I resigned my old position at my previous college as we were/are/maybe/who knows moving to 'the country' in Hampshire and it wasn't commutable. But we are now living is a 2-bed flat in central Reading in house-limbo. But nevermind that. What is exciting is that I've decided to try my hand at 'Educational Consultancy'. I have found staying at home with Ellie an incredibly attractive option as she becomes increasingly 'cooler' as she grows. My definition of cool may be different from others but I think playing chase, catch and repeatedly going down slides while learning new words is 'cool'. So, I have put off returning to the classroom for a few years as I want to be able to give it the attention it deserves. But I love teaching too much, and I do love a bit of adult interaction, so I have started working with Microsoft to deliver CPD sessions.